Sphinx is a free software tool written in java to keep track application time which can export more than ten different formats. While working on several projects you can keep time records of every activity performed in every of these projects. Reports about time spend in every project can be generated at any time and you can choose from a large variety of file formats like pdf, rtf, xml, xls... to save these reports. new simple and elegant feature was added in order to help you eliminate the anxiety of time and enhance your focus and concentration. now you can export or import your works easily. Very useful for students, freelancers and everyone who wants to keep time tracking of his activity, whether in computer science field or not
some screenshots:-
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Install JRE
Sphinx.exeFollow our progress
$ git clone git://github.com/Ahmed-Ghanem/Sphinx
After installing the program, you must run it with administrator privilege
go to C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin and right click on javaw.exe file
choose compatibility and click on run this program as an administratorInstall JRE
for contact : ah.ghanem2@gmail.com
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